• +919205628593
  • contact@winishtechitsolutions.com



At Winishtech IT Solutions, we offer the following business models to ensure competitive advantage in a changing marketplace with the option of combining one or more available business models to suit to business strategy. We have proven experience to help customer in selecting the business model that suits best.

  • Reduced operational costs by 50% or more
  • Reliable delivery mechanism
  • Shorter time to market
  • Diverse set of skilled professionals
  • No longer term commitments.
  • Quick and Cost Effective Prototyping of Ideas.
  • Benefit from vast domain knowledge and prior experience.

Fixed Price

Software development projects that are built around a fixed budget, timeline and cost, are referred to as Fixed Duration projects. For small to mid-sized projects where the end-user is the buyer of a product or a service, this is the most common of all delivery methods.

Opt for the Fixed Prices Business Model if
  • The anticipated duration of the project is low.
  • Requirements are not likely to change during the development process.
  • The requirement is for a Business-to-Customer (B2C) venture and perhaps starting on a low scale/key.
  • Enhancements to features and functions are likely to follow only after project implementation and not during the development process.
  • Software implementation is governed by ‘extremely’ tight budgetary and financial constraints.

Under this option, the customer pays a pre-negotiated fixed price for the complete project scope agreed upon, which in turn is linked to well-defined deliverables. The cost of the project escalates only when there are changes to the requirement. We have a well-defined change management process which helps customers justify the extra time and cost.

Time and Materials (T & M)

Projects that are contracted for a defined (or open ended) number of hours are referred to as Time & Materials projects. With such projects, tasks are mapped to total number of hours spent on that task; detailed reports for ‘hours spent’ outline and enable authenticity and cross-verifications.

Opt for the Fixed Prices Business Model if
  • Requirements, features and specifications for the software being developed, are likely to evolve at any stage during project development.
  • The anticipated duration of the project cannot be estimated (or if estimating a fixed duration for the project can lead to counter-productive results).
  • Between the two, ‘Getting it right’ is more important than ‘Getting it right on time’.
  • Substantial architecture-level and structural changes are likely to occur while the software solution is being developed.
  • You would like to work with us for a defined number of hours that are not necessarily continuous (for example, eight hundred hours over five months).

This model provides the clients with flexibility of being able to make changes or amendments to the project scope on an ongoing basis and updating modifications to the project keeping in line with the ever evolving market demands. We have very strict project management and reporting practices whereby task sheets are generated on a daily / weekly basis for each of the developer on the project.

Time and Materials (T & M)Full Time Equivalent

Full Time Equivalents is an IT staffing solution wherein our personnel are assigned to and are dedicated to your project and therefore, designated by us for your purposes alone. Personnel can be software engineers, project managers, software testers, software analysts or consultants.

Opt for the Fixed Prices Business Model if
  • Client would like to augment and extend your staff to our development center (virtual staffing) while making the best use of our offshore billing rates.
  • The nature of software development is along the lines of one that requires our resources and personnel to possess and/or acquire expertise in a domain or vertical.
  • Software to be developed and implemented is ‘enterprise class’ and will require continuous versioning & feature enhancements.
  • Releases and re-releases are anticipated from the start; changing specifications will be governed by market conditions; maintenance and support is inherent to already developed portions and modules of the software.
  • Your IT personnel are likely to work in conjunction with ours, for the continuing fulfilment of one or more of the possibilities mentioned above.


This is one of our most successful models that has helped our customers in deciding a “Go” or a “No Go” for large projects where the risks are high. Using the POC model, Winishtech IT Solutions and customer jointly decide a small scope, which is developed and implemented in defined duration. This helps the customer in understanding the Project management practices, the quality and testing processes, the development and review methodologies, and infrastructure and security policies followed by us. Our successful POC’s have led to setting up large captive teams for our customers with minimum risks.

Support Services

We provide extended support and maintenance services to our clients after the completion and delivery of projects. Our support team is very well prepared to handle live issues, developing quick solutions and providing immediate ad-hoc fixes. Our clients can sit back and relax while we take all measures to keep their system up and running consistently after deployment.

Software Development Methodologies

We at Winishtech IT Solutions opt suitable development methodologies for quality product development.

Agile Software Development Methodology

Agile Software Development Methodology

Agile software development is a conceptual framework for undertaking software engineering projects. There are a number of agile software development methodologies e.g. Crystal Methods, Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM), and Scrum. Most agile methods attempt to minimize risk by developing software in short timeboxes, called iterations, which typically last one to four weeks. Each iteration is like a miniature software project of its own, and includes all the tasks necessary to release the mini-increment of new functionality: planning, requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, and documentation. While iteration may not add enough functionality to warrant releasing the product, an agile software project intends to be capable of releasing new software at the end of every iteration. At the end of each iteration, the team reevaluates project priorities. Agile methods emphasize realtime communication, preferably face-to-face, over written documents. Most agile teams are located in a bullpen and include all the people necessary to finish the software. At a minimum, this includes programmers and the people who define the product such as product managers, business analysts, or actual customers. The bullpen may also include testers, interface designers, technical writers, and management

Rapid Application Development (RAD) Methodology

Agile Software Development Methodology

“Rapid-development language” is a general term that refers to any programming language that offers speedier implementation than do traditional third-generation languages such as C/C++, Pascal, or FORTRAN. Rapid-Development Languages (RDLs) produce their savings by reducing the amount of construction needed to build a product. Although the savings are realized during construction, the ability to shorten the construction cycle has project wide implications: shorter construction cycles make incremental lifecycles such as Evolutionary Prototyping practical. Because RDLs often lack first-rate performance, constrain flexibility, and are limited to specific kinds of problems, they are usually better suited to the development of in-house business software and limited-distribution custom software than systems software.

RAD (rapid application development) proposes that products can be developed faster and of higher quality by:

  • Using workshops or focus groups to gather requirements.
  • Prototyping and user testing of designs.
  • Re-using software components.
  • Following a schedule that defers design improvements to the next product version.
  • Keeping review meetings and other team communication informal.

  • Using workshops or focus groups to gather requirements.
  • Prototyping and user testing of designs.
  • Re-using software components.
  • Following a schedule that defers design improvements to the next product version.
  • Keeping review meetings and other team communication informal.

Scrum Methodology

Scrum Methodology

Scrum is an agile method for project management developed by Ken Schwaber. Its goal is to dramatically improve productivity in teams previously paralyzed by heavier, process-laden methodologies.

Scrum is characterized by:

  • A living backlog of prioritized work to be done.
  • Completion of a largely fixed set of backlog items in a series of short iterations or sprints.
  • A brief daily meeting (called a scrum), at which progress is explained, upcoming work is described, and obstacles are raised.
  • A brief planning session in which the backlog items for the sprint will be defined.
  • A brief heartbeat retrospective, at which all team members reflect about the past sprint.

Scrum is facilitated by a scrum master, whose primary job is to remove impediments to the ability of the team to deliver the sprint goal. The scrum master is not the leader of the team (as they are self-organizing) but acts as a productivity buffer between the team and any destabilizing influences.

Scrum enables the creation of self-organizing teams by encouraging verbal communication across all team members and across all disciplines that are involved in the project. A key principle of scrum is its recognition that fundamentally empirical challenges cannot be addressed successfully in a traditional “process control” manner. As such, scrum adopts an empirical approach – accepting that the problem cannot be fully understood or defined, focusing instead on maximizing the team’s ability to respond in an agile manner to emerging challenges.

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